September 4, 2012

Thank you Summer Interns!

We had said it before, but the Science Center could not function nearly as well as it does without the help of our summer interns. Three Program Interns and one Marketing Intern help keep the Science Center running smoothly during the busiest part of our season. This year we welcomed Peter Kleinhenz, Kevin VanGorden, and Miranda Furrer as Program Interns and Hank Geng as Marketing Intern.

Peter came to New Hampshire from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio where he is working on a double major in Zoology and Media Production. He has worked on research and published several papers on amphibians and reptiles. As an avid caver he has also studied abroad in Tasmania/Australia surveying and creating trails in caves in an effort to protect fragile cave formations. Kevin has volunteered extensively including both the Columbus and Cincinnati Zoos. He has also worked 3 summers at Camp High Rocks in North Carolina and is a news director of the Miami Television News.

Kevin has been a volunteer docent at the Science Center for the past 2 summers. A native of Franklin, New Hampshire, Kevin graduated from University of Maine at Machias with a degree in biology. His course work included working in the genetics lab of Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories looking for a possible cause of soft-shell disease in lobsters and his senior thesis focused on an immunology experiment on maternal antibodies in mice.

Miranda is a student at Iowa State University majoring in both Animal Ecology and Agricultural Business. Among the work and volunteer experiences she has had include completing a naturalist internship at Wildlife Prairie State Park in Iowa. Through her internship she gained experience caring for a variety of small native animals and also presenting public programs on wildlife at the park and on an outreach basis. At ISU she has served as College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Ambassador where she gives tours to prospective students.

Hank is a student at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, majoring in Environmental Studies. He has studied abroad in both China and Denmark. His marketing experience ranged from Copy Editor of  his high school music magazine to Public Relations Manager of Bates College's TakeNote and Publicity Manager for Outfront. Hank's responsibilities at the Science Center included daily event-based marketing, photography, videography, online advertising, and special promotions.

Thank you to our interns for everything that you have done to support the Science Center!

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