July 15, 2013

Dreamnight at the Zoo

By Amy Yeakel

Here it is mid-July, hard to believe it! Where did the spring go? Spring is always a very busy season here at the Science Center. We begin preparations often before spring has sprung, readying trails, exhibits and programs. Then many school children visit and on to the activities of June with the annual Breeding Bird Census, Kirkwood Gardens Day, trips abroad and more. One additional very special day was added to our full spring calendar this year. June 7, 2013 was the first Dreamnight hosted by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. Dreamnight is an international event first begun at zoos. Since the Science Center is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums we were included in the notifications regarding this event. Dreamnight is a global project for children who are chronically ill and disabled. There are more than 200 institutions in 35 countries that participate around the world and Squam Lakes Natural Science Center is honored to be the first in northern New England. The after hours event included face painting, live animal presentations, snacks, crafts, music and puppets. Dreamnight is always at no cost to the attending families and it is through the generous support of Lincoln Financial Foundation and Bank of New Hampshire that the Science Center was able to host Dreamnight. The weather was wild and windy that day and while although we had well over one hundred RSVP’s only about half were able to attend. However, those that were here truly enjoyed their special evening. Even though spring is so very busy at the Science Center this was one special event that is well worth the effort!

To learn more about the International Dreamnight Program please visit http://www.dreamnightatthezoo.nl/English/index_EN.htm

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