October 26, 2015

Volunteer Update: Parsons Volunteer Recognition Dinner

By Carol Raymond, Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteers enjoy dinner and visiting at Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant.
The annual Parsons Volunteer Recognition Dinner was held in September at Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant in Meredith. Almost 80 volunteers and staff attended the dinner, which was generously sponsored by Cross Insurance Agency, Patty Stewart Associates, and Hart’s Turkey Farm.

Dave Erler talks about the Blue Jay research study.
At the dinner, Senior Naturalist Dave Erler recognized a volunteer group of 23 Blue Jay Observers for their help during the three-year project, which was completed at the end of 2014. Volunteer observers were: Shaun Flynn, Elizabeth Fortson, Pat James, Mary Kahn, Kathy Letsky, Dom Marocco, Irene Marocco, Don Margeson, Peggy Martin, Missy Mason, Denise Moulis, Ron Piro, Nance Ruhm, Bill Sharp, Ashley Spooner, Pam Stearns, Susan Stepp, Rob Stewart, Carol Stewart, Lisetta Silvestri, Jan Welch, Marc White, and Betsy Whitmore.

“Volunteers Complete the Picture” in the Trailhead Gallery is updated each year to show cumulative hours of volunteer service. Volunteers who achieved 200 hours in 2014 were Bob Gosselin and Liz Hager. Lisa Davis, Dan Kemp, and Steve Hackett advanced to the 500 hour level. Pat James, Karin Karagozian, Denise Moulis, and Susan Stepp reached 1,000 hours. The staff extends its thanks and appreciation to all volunteers for their tremendous gifts of time and dedication.
Natalie Parsons

The Presidents Service Awards is a nationally program honoring Americans who inspire others to volunteer through their example. Executive Director Iain MacLeod awarded pins and certificates to those volunteers eligible for the President’s Volunteer Service Award for service in 2014. Jim Barry received the Silver Award for donating over 250 hours. Bronze Award recipients who donated between100 and 250 hours were: Lisa Davis , Nancy-Jane Duncan, Kenneth Evans, Dennis Hager, Pat James, Barb Laverack, John McRae, Elaine Melquist, Denise Moulis, Gary Robertson, Nance Ruhm, Judy Sniffen, and Lea Stewart.

Volunteers in action:

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