February 29, 2016

Night at the Science Center

By Eric D'Aleo, Naturalist

Have you ever wondered what happens at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in the off season or at night? Well, we have too, especially after we’ve all gone home for the day. So this winter we were able to start discovering answers when a local supporter offered to set up a number of wildlife trail cameras on our property. To date we have captured images of 6 species: including red fox, white tailed deer, eastern coyote, wild turkey, raccoon and grey fox. What seems to be by far the most photographed is the flock of about a dozen turkeys. They have shown up on all of the trail cameras both in the field and in the woods multiple times a day past some of them. We hope to be able to continue this project throughout the year and on different locations on our property. Take a look below at some of our “off season visitors”.
 Red Fox – Walking through
Gray Fox – This image was taken several days later in same location as the red fox photo.Can you tell the difference between both foxes? 
An Eastern coyote stopping to investigate a smell – This is not either of Squam Lakes Natural Science Center coyotes taking an evening stroll.
Raccoon – Walking through
A somewhat nervous White tailed deer
 A flock of wild turkeys foraging for food

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