October 17, 2016

Golden Memories

To celebrate our fiftieth anniversary we have been hearing from our past staff, volunteers, guests, and others who have shared their golden memories. Here are a few:

"I was introduced to Squam Lakes Natural Science Center when my children were young. It was a special place to visit with them, and with friends and family. Seeing the animals in their natural habitat, playing learning games at exhibits, and attending various summer camp weeks helped my children to learn about our natural world. I can't wait to bring my grandchildren to the Science Center in the near future!" -Barbara Laverack

"Boy, it would be difficult to narrow it down to just one memory. I enjoyed programs and field trips as a kid, which no doubt contributed to my continued interest in wildlife. I remember very vividly the snowy owl and of course the crooked-nosed doe from those elementary field trips. I have incredible memories from my time as an intern, guided discoveries instructor, and assistant naturalist (2003-2006). From taking baby bats and woodchucks home overnight to giving programs with raptors and small mammals, every day working with animals and kids was different, fun and exciting. I also had a lot of fun designing the 40th Anniversary timeline in the Webster Building. It's hard to believe that 10 years has passed since then! I am incredibly grateful to all of my mentors/co-workers/friends at the center from that time. The things I learned from you are deeply woven into my career as a science teacher and curriculum writer today! Happy 50th!" -Sarah Benton Feitlinger

"I have so many wonderful memories of being a "Future Naturalist" in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was such an amazing program and I feel very fortunate to have had those summers to spend working with and caring for NH wildlife at the Science Center. Those experiences and the memories of the individual animals I fed and cared for so many years ago continue to inspire my creative work today as a wood carver. Thank you to everyone who made this memorable part of my youth possible!" -Lisa Laughy

"The first time I remember going to Squam Lakes Natural Science Center was in 1992. I took my Dad and four year old my daughter. We walked the trails as far as Kirkwood garden, and then stopped in the shop that was there at that time. My daughter decided to get a brightly flowered umbrella. We started back towards the welcome center, but just before we got to the field, a thunderstorm blew through. We took shelter (probably at the raptors area) until the wind died down. She was so pleased to be able to use her umbrella for the rest of our walk. Little did I know then that less than ten years later I would be working at the Science Center and renting their pontoon boats to get married on Church Island. Now I am taking my grandson to the Science Center each year. Some places just become family." -Nancy Durgin

"Our son worked at the Science Center when he was a student at Holderness Central. He really looked forward to going to the Science Center on his 'work days' and came home pretty excited about what he had seen and done that day. He has since gone on to get his PhD in Forest Ecology at the University of California-Berkeley, and although his time at the Science Center is not totally responsible for that outcome, I know that his time at the Science Center was seminal to his interest in the natural sciences. As a side note, our daughters also baby sat for the children of one of the first directors of the Science Center, an experience that made us realize that Holderness and the Squam Lakes region had a wonderful establishment." -Larry Spencer

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