December 5, 2016

Homeschool Programs

Squam Lakes Natural Science Center holds monthly homeschool programs for ages 4 to 6 and ages 7 to 10. Programs are held on the first Thursday of the month through April. 
Ages 7 to 10

Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. 
January 5: Interrelationships
February 2: Populations
March 2: Habitats
April 6: Ecosystems
The primary interpretive focus of the Science Center's programs and exhibits is community ecology, which has four major concepts: Habitats, Adaptations, Populations, and Interrelationships (HAPI). Join us with your child to investigate these topics in depth.
All About Series
Ages 4 to 6
Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

January 5: Skunks
February 2: Groundhogs
March 2: Owls
April 6: Turtles
Join us with your homeschooled child to learn all about New Hampshire wildlife. Ecah session considers a different group of living things through activities, hands-on experiences, and a meeting with a live animal.
Cost: $9/member child per session; $11/non-member child per session
An adult must participate with children at no additional cost. Each additional adult pays child fee. 
All Homeschool Programs align with the New Hampshire Science Framework.

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